Transactions. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

The Transactions – Mergers and Acquisitions area is dedicated and has extensive experience in the planning and execution of all types of merger, spin-off or segregation operations, as well as the sale and purchase of both multinational companies and family companies, branches of activity, assets or productive units.


Part of our success lies in our ability to provide transversal and comprehensive advice on any transaction, considering both strictly legal as well as economic-financial and operational aspects, either through our own multidisciplinary team or in collaboration with other professionals such as financial advisors or business consultants.


Our advice covers all the work related to both the preparation of the transaction (definition of the most efficient tax and legal structure and drafting of all the preparatory documents such as confidentiality agreements – NDA -, letters of intent, memorandums of understanding – MOU – , etc.), as well as the formalization of the same (purchase and sale contracts – SPA-, investment agreements and shareholder’s agreements – SHA -) including the entire legal review and analysis process – Due Diligence – which is usually carried out in this type of operatios.


In addition to the above, with the help of the Bankruptcy. Restructuring and Insolvencies department, our M&A team has carried out numerous transactions for the sale of companies / businesses in a pre-insolvency or insolvency situation.



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